Settings Einstellungen
Technology: Technik:

WebGL is supported by your browser
WebGL is not supported by your browser. Without it our Game will not run.

localStorage is supported by your browser
localStorage is not supported by your browser. We use localStorage to store game-progress

Your browser supports the speechSynthesis API Dein browser unterstützt die 'speechSynthesis API'
Clonefish uses the speechSynthesis API. This is not supported by your browser. Klonfisch benutz die 'speechSynthesis API'. Diese werd nich von deinen Browser unterstützt.

Your browser supports can play .mp3 or .webm files Dein browser kann .mp3 oder .webm dateien Spielen
Clonefish requires mp3 or webm playback. Klonfisch benutzt mp3 or webm dateien.

You are using a supported Browser Dein browser werd unterstützt.
You are not using a Firefox- or Chromebrowser. The game might not work properly. Please consider visiting the site with Chrome or Firefox to ensure the best possible performance